Part 2 - Chapter 2
Now on the streets of Redharbor, the party wasted no time at all in forging a path toward the Keep, and the nearing conclusion of their quest to secure Canibri’s aid against the besieging White Serpents (A zealous pseudo-cult of snake-worshipping jerks). They found the keep easily enough, and were confronted by two well equipped guards. One stepped forward, and introduced himself as Waltrom, a captain of the King’s Guard. Draped as he and his younger (and rounder) compatriot were in deep blue cloaks slung over their scale-mail armor, and wielding finely crafted long swords, the King’s Guard certainly looked the part.
As Waltrom cast his sharp eye over the group, taking in their road and tunnel-weary attire, Charax fumbled through his many layers of robing to produce the Seal of Canibri. Deftly breaking the awkward silence, Sindri offered her recently pilfered spear to the guards as a sign of good faith, which they declined with a confused look. Once the seal was produced, Waltrom agreed to escort them to the Keep proper, and pass on their urgent request for audience.
Atop the long, snaking path which led to the Cerulean Citadel’s gate, the party was treated to a view of the city below. Seeing as they’d bypassed most of the city itself during their entry, they had no idea just how large and bustling the place was. Torch and lantern lights were beginning to illuminate the winding streets below, and it became apparent that this place was like no other they’d visited before. A brief wait ensued, as Waltrom secured them entry and audience with the King - they were then let inside, and showed to their posh waiting quarters. Boot, upon realizing that there were only two baths in the adjoining restrooms, immediately shed his boot and robe, and clambered into one of the warm tubs. The rest of the party did similarly, and before long they were summoned to their audience with the King.
As the wayward adventurers filed into the audience chamber, they found themselves striding through an assemblage of Nobles and well-to-do merchant types, who grumbled and jostled for a look at the unlikely party. They then found themselves face to face with the King, of Redharbor, and of all the Western Lands. The King was, in fact, a woman by the name of Natali Hornraven. Black hair fell just below her shoulders, bundled into a cascade of thick braids. Behind her black-metal throne, stood another woman; taller, cloaked in deep shadow, and introduced only as Naia. Charax was beckoned forward to present the seal, and as he held it out for inspection, a faint energy could be felt in the room - an energy that the party understood to be magical in nature. Abby quickly dropped Toad the toad to the floor, and made a show of scooping him (her? it?) back up as a ruse while she attempted to Detect Good and Evil. Boot realized her ploy, and was overtaken by a sudden and convenient fit of coughing. The spell was successful, and to the cleric’s surprise, both Naia and Natali radiated wholesome energy. The crowd behind them however, was radiating nothing but general stuffiness and poor manners.
After some fairly brief, but tense conversation, it was agreed that Redharbor would send its military might to aid in liberating Canibri. All that Natali asked in return, was the aid of the party in handling a developing situation in the capital - a spate of attacks perpetrated by what has come to be known as the Green Devil. By this point, the noble-types had begun shouting their disapproval, and a few had even stormed out. Generous souls, they seemed not. The party was promsied twenty gold crowns if they could bring Natali proof of the creature’s demise. Boot, in a rare attempt at diplomacy, offered to accept the task for a bounty of ten crowns; hoping to placate the nobles, as they continued to grumble about where their taxes should be spent. The rest of the party vocally disagreed, and more shouting ensued - cut off only by Natali’s sharp proclamation that twenty crowns was the just price, and she would pay no less for good work done. The comment was directed more at the nobles than the adventurers, and it seemed apparent that she held no more love for the pompous asshats than the party did.
The audience then came to a close, and the party was sent off into the city with a Writ of Conduct sealed and signed by Natali - she could not promise that it would guarantee them any leeway in the city, but it would at least provide some clout with the guard, and any good-hearted merchants may think to offer a deal to those doing the King’s work. The gang departed the Cerulean Citadel, waving their goodbyes to Waltrom, even as they greeted Grogen, their amiable rickshaw. The group had been informed that most of the Devil’s activity seemed to center around the Dockyards and the Rogue’s Ward - the poorer side of town. With this information, they decided to bunk at the Fool’s Flagon, where they thought to meet Arna for a pint of something, and see what they could learn. As Grogen trundled them through the city, he remarked that he’d never taken anyone from the Citadel to the Rogue’s Ward before, and seemed to enjoy the new route he was winding - past the Omnival Library, and through the Silverfalls garden, before reaching the fringes of the Rogue’s Ward. He went on to explain that the Green Devil’s attacks were growing more violent, and the damage was still visible on some structures in the vicinity of the Flagon.
Having made their destination, the group descended a wide staircase into the entry of the Fool’s Flagon. The place was cozy, if a bit rough around the edges. Warm torchlight danced on the walls, and a number of pillars rose to break up the otherwise open space. The night was young, and plenty of folk were beginning to fill the floor space, but the group was exhausted from travel, and needed lodging. Edging their way past a trio of stout hooded figures seated at the bar, they hailed the barkeep. The barkeep was a rednosed, rotund Dwarf who named himself only as Roan. He spoke very few words, and appeared most comfortable when shining his bartop and mean-mugging his patrons. They decided to rent the back room of the Flagon, and paid for a couple of nights upfront.
Taking stock of themselves and their situation, the party was beginning to realize that their fortunes seemed to be rapidly changing. For the better or the worse, they still weren’t sure.
Defeated: Angry Nobles, Grogen’s desire to chat
Characters met: King Natali Hornraven, Naia the mysterious King’s Aide, Waltrom the Watch Captain, Grogen the Rickshaw, Roan the horrible barkeep
Acquired: Writ of Conduct from the King, The hope that there is money to be made in Redharbor
Quests: Deliver news of Canibri’s peril to the Capital (Completed), Dispatch Redharbor’s Green Devil